Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The following is a devotion I received recently and thought you would enjoy reading it. Ron is an excellent devotional author. Enjoy!

Real Light by Ron Walters

Light is the oldest member of the universe, having been called into being on Day One. Those in the know tell us that light—real light—is rarely seen. And yet, ironically, none of us can see without it.

Researchers are baffled by light, they can’t even agree on how it works. Is it a wave? A particle? And, whereas they’ve sliced and diced every known molecule, they can’t reduce light. That’s because light has no volume.

Confused yet? You’re not alone.

No one can define it, either. When asked by his students to explain the phenomenon of light, Aristotle just shook his head and said, “It’s the activity of what is transparent.”

Say what!?

Plato, ever the innovator, taught his “Fire of the Eye” theory, arguing that, in some strange way, the eye originates its own light. When asked, “Why then can’t we see in the dark?” he confessed his theory had a flaw or two.
Over the years light has been a focal point of scientific breakthroughs:

• Albert Einstein based his Theory of Relativity upon the principles of light.

• Science discovered how to keep light from spreading out—as it does naturally—molding it into a true straight line. They called the process “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.” We call it laser.
• NASA used light and mirrors to measure the 225,000 mile distance to the moon within a half-inch.
• Soon, it’s theorized, a single fiber optic (a transmission via light) will be able to put every person on earth on one phone call simultaneously.
• The Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas created “The World’s Brightest Light,” a 40 billion candlepower beam aimed straight into the night sky. The illumination is so powerful that you can read a book by its light ten miles above the earth.
• One enterprising scientist discovered how to make light travel faster than the speed of…light.
• And, medical research determined that one-fifth of the brain does nothing but deal with light.

All this, and still no one can explain what light is.

Ironically, there’s another Light that’s also unknown to mankind: The Light of the World.

Seven centuries before Bethlehem’s biggest event, God told Isaiah that a Messiah would come “as a light…to bring salvation to the world.”

Time passed and the world waited. For centuries the darkness prevailed.

“And it came about that while [Mary and Joseph] were [in Bethlehem] the days were completed for her to give birth…and she gave birth to her firstborn son. And she wrapped Him in cloths and laid Him in a manger.”

And, The Light was born.

It was history’s greatest moment; the Father of Lights gave the world a close-up view of Himself. “I have come as light into the world that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.” With eyes wide open we’re able to look directly into that Light and see God, “with whom there is no shadow.”

Lowly shepherds came and saw The Light. Wise men saw the same Light. Over the centuries kings and peasants have gazed into His Light and their eyes were opened.

Lovers of darkness have also looked into the Light, wondering, guessing, and ultimately covering their eyes to hide from its brilliance. They’ve run from the Light but they could never darken it. That’s because “His greatness is unreachable and His ways are unfathomable.”

The Light of the World has been born! And the story is ours to tell.

Merry Christmas, Ron Walters


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this awesome message.
Wishing you much joy this Christmas.

tom from texas said...

Very enlightening! Great thinking is like light, it too travels at wonderful
Speeds and creats a path.